On the car ride to school his last day I was thinking to myself "I hope we are making the right decision. I hope he will be OK. You know, all the usual self doubts you have regarding decisions we make about our children. As I am thinking all this I hear from the back seat "Mommy?" I say "yes Cormac?" He says "Why is there no contrail coming out of that plane flying in the sky?" My first response was "I don't know". My second was "you are going to be alright kid!" And he says "I know Mommy." Then he says "Contrail looks just like a comet!". Gotta love this kid. I don't know many people LET ALONE three year olds who know the word contrail. Anyway, it made me feel just awesome that day. Totally made me forget my worries (for a while).
They made him a special breakfast and I was able to stay with him for his last morning. It was sweet how the kids interacted with him. He certainly has no problems making friends.
By the way, the Eye Spy containers were a huge success. The glue gun was not sufficient and we had a minor spilling of rice but I was able to put clear packing tape on them and you can't even see it. Now they are more durable. We played Eye Spy for the long trip to the beach last weekend.
As we reach this next milestone in Cormac's journey I still can't believe all he has accomplished. He continues to baffle me on a daily basis with what he can hear and say. He NEVER stops learning. He loves it. His ability to recall information is better than mine. I honestly think he has a photographic memory. I have never really seen anything quite like it.
We spent approximately 112 hours in the car just commuting to Summit since April. I then spent approximately 225 hours entertaining Ciaran and Colin while Cormac was in school. I was pregnant and had a baby somewhere in there too. For the last month or so I had Calleigh along for the commute and the wait time. I say this not to complain but to just know while it was a tough time for us IT WAS WORTH EVERY MINUTE OF OUR TIME! It's time we will never get back and I mean that in a good way. For Cormac this was and is the most important time. We can't go back to being three when he is six. What he achieves now is the strong foundation he will need for his future.
For those of you who read this who are in the beginning of your journey to hearing just know it gets better. It gets easier. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. It's tiring, it can be frustrating at times but I think the rewards are just so much sweeter. We might never know why we were chosen to have children who are deaf but know that your hard work is rewarded. Years from now when are children are successful, happy adults you won't even remember how tiring it was to get there (I hope).
This is an absolutely beautiful post. Congratulations to Cormac but also to YOU for reaching this incredible milestone. You're 100% right... it's worth it. I can think of nothing more valuable than giving your child the keys to the world.
What an inspiring post and a great reminder to all parents regardless of their situation. Cormac will do wonderful in pre-school and I can't wait to follow him.
What a great post. I have the chills. You are an amazing Mom.
I didn't even know what a contrail was - ha!
We are considering taking Lucas to an oral deaf school that's 70 miles each way. We also want to give him that strong foundation, so that he can be mainstreamed at 3. It's a tough decision, but I hope it's worth it!
I love the photo of Cormac and Micah - it's just too cute. He was excited to see it, but in too goofy a mood to tell me who everyone was. I have a photo for you of Cormac walking in at graduation - I'll send it next week. I'll be catching up on getting organized while waiting for Micah's ear canal to be installed. . . .four more days.
Thanks for this post! It is SO exciting to read about the successes of other CI kids ... it truly helps keep up hope and faith that Aiden will be just fine. Cormac is amazing and for the word "contrail" to come out of a 3 year old's mouth is even more amazing!
We're starting Aiden in an oral deaf program in a couple weeks and I am scared to death to leave him for four hours, as he's only 18 mths and has never been away from mom. I know he's going to thrive and the 45 to 90 min. drive each way will be well worth it!
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