Triplet Princes and a Princess

Triplet Princes and a Princess

Our journey to hearing with Cormac while living our life with triplet boys and a baby girl.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thank you

I just wanted to say Thank you to all of you who responded to my last post.  Your support, commiseration, understanding, compliments are so greatly appreciated.  We all have our days when somethings just don't seem fair but I know I am very blessed with my children.  Many families have it way harder than our family. 

I am friends with many of you on Facebook so I apologize for the duplicate in this post but I have a new favorite I had to write down.

Here is the conversation I overheard two days ago:

Cormac to Frank " Dad, I have decided me and Colin are optimists and you and Ciaran are pessimists. " Franks says "really, why?" Cormac replies "me and Colin see the good in everything and you and Ciaran focus on the bad..."

Frank thought I told him to say this to him.  I explained Cormac came up with it all on his own. 

Colin has also revealed that "Reese is in love with me and he is sure she wants to marry him"

We have a big week coming up.  We are celebrating the 100th day of Kindergarten on Monday.  We have yet to start our projects and are open to ANY ideas. So, please, leave a comment if you have an idea.  Keep in mind, I need three...  We will be having a Valentine's celebration at school on Tuesday.  I love being able to go to all their events. I am so grateful to be able to be home and participate so much at their school.

We just signed the boys up for T-ball for the first time.  In our old town they couldn't play until they were in Kindergarten.  In our new town the kids start at four years old.  The group is 4-6 year olds.  So, it will be our first time playing but they will be the older kids in the group. We will see how it goes.  I am hoping we can keep a batting helmet on Cormac without knocking off his implants.  He wears a bicycle helmet with no problem so I don't anticipate any issues.

Yesterday, we had a very small dusting of snow.  The first snow of the season and it's mid February!  The boys noticed it and were looking out the window.  I caught this shot of them.  By the way, Cormac is actually the tallest...not sure why he looks the shortest.  Maybe Ciaran and Colin were on their tippy toes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We just had our 100th day. Many kids made t-shirts with a monster outline and 100eyes. Or shirts with a monster with 100 arms or shirts with 100 thumb print fish.