Triplet Princes and a Princess

Triplet Princes and a Princess

Our journey to hearing with Cormac while living our life with triplet boys and a baby girl.

Monday, September 8, 2008

I wonder...

I wonder about a lot of things. Here are some of them:

I wonder how I wound up having triplets.
I wonder how I will know how to raise triplets.
I wonder how we will survive raising triplets!
I wonder how I do more in two hours in the morning than most people do in day.
I wonder if Ciaran will grow up to still love anything to do with a ball.
I wonder if Colin will always want to wear a hat or a glove.
I wonder if Cormac will always be afraid of clowns.
I wonder who will have their poor heart broken first by a girl.
I wonder who will fall in love first.
I wonder if they will all get married.
I wonder if they will all have children.
I wonder if they will all continue to love each other as much as they do now.
I wonder if Cormac will see major advances in hearing loss in his lifetime.
I wonder if they will love school or hate school.
I wonder if they will CHOOSE to go to the same college or want their own place.
I wonder if any of them will get scholarships for college (PLEASE)
I wonder if we will ever be able to build on to our house.
I wonder if Frank will even finish the basement.
I wonder if Frank will someday not have to work so much.
I wonder if I am doing a good job at being a Mommy.
I wonder if other people think my kids are as smart, cute, adorable and funny as I do. (HA HA)
I wonder if Cormac will be interested in pursuing a career having to do with his deafness.
I wonder if people REALLY get how hard Cormac has to work to appear to not even be deaf.
I wonder if Cormac will always want to sleep with his implants on at night even though they fall off and he can't hear.
I wonder if Ciaran will always be as strong willed as he is now.
I wonder if Ciaran will always have that little face of his.
I wonder if Colin's smile will always light up his face.
I wonder if someday they will not be happy they are triplets.
I wonder if someday they will think I was not a good mom.
I wonder if someday they will think I didn't spend enough one on one time with them.
I wonder if they will all realize how blessed they are to be triplets.
I wonder if someday they will realize they have two best friends with them at all times.
I wonder who will like baseball, football, tennis, soccer, golf or any sport.
I wonder if Cormac will want to play contact sports even if he really isn't supposed to play but Frank already said he can play (yikes)
I wonder if I will cry when they go to school (really if you knew me that's not one to wonder about)
I wonder if I will like my future daugter in laws
I wonder what it would be like to have a daugter!
I wonder what life would be like without my sons and can't really imagine it any other way.


elizabeth said...

That is so sweet! With this blog as a record of their childhood, I know they will realize just how much they were loved!

Candy said...

I am going to send this to someone I know that has triplets. They're alike in many ways yet, so different. And the mom? she adapts and eventually does her mommy thing that just blows me away. :)

Cool post!

Jennifer said...

Elizabeth and Candy,

Thanks for your kind words. I really hope to show them this blog some day.

Charlotte said...

You are a wonderful mom full with so much patience. Keep going...
They are cute boys.


Anonymous said...

Have been meaning to read your blog for a while. I was blown away and so touched. You were able to so eloquently put into words what most moms wonder about. With one, two or five kids. Your boys are very lucky to have you as a mom.
See you weds.