Boys eat homemade pancakes. Love them.
Boys for some reason decide to all be super cranky for no reason.
I have to take them out of the house because a friend was coming to help Frank with the basement.,
I decide to go to the mall.
Haircuts for Colin and Ciaran. And when I say haircuts, I mean me sitting in the chair and holding them so tight they can't move while they scream like they are being slowly tortured. They haven't cried at the last 3 or 4 haircuts so I don't know what their problem was today. While Colin and Ciaran were screaming like maniacs to NOT get their hair cut. Cormac was screaming because he WANTED a haircut but we don't cut his hair. Cormac keeps running out of the hair place to go play on toys. Finally, I just strap them all the stroller and let 'em scream.
After 40 minutes of hair cut torture I call Frank to tell him I am having the worst day ever because my children have been possessed. I got a good workout so I guess that's the plus.
I should have just went home....I am a gluton for punishment.
I take them to the indoor play area. Of course, now we are all smiles. We play for a while. I decide to take them for pizza. Now, I always take them for pizza at this mall. Suddenly, the frigin' pizzeria is no longer where is should be. Apparently, they moved upstairs to the new food court. Sucks for me because I was really looking forward to some pizza.
As I search for the pizza place I realize the Kidgits Club is having a Pirate Party. Since we are part of Kidgits I figure why miss out on the goodies. I know, I am a gluton for punishment. I should have left the mall 45 minutes ago. We get in line and while waiting the police are doing free identification cards wtih photos and laser thumb prints. How do you tell a police officer who approaches you, nah, we don't need no stinkin' ID cards??? Needless to say, the boys weren't thrilled with this either. Their pictures look like mug shots but what could be better???
I grab the pirate hats and swords and high tail it out of the mall into the pouring rain. Throw their three cranky asses in the van and come home. By the time I get home Cormac is passed out cold in the van. Ciaran and Colin are as happy as can be with their pirate hats and swords.
And what does Frank say??? They don't look to bad for the day you said you were having. They look pretty happy. At that moment he was lucky the swords were plastic:)
Here they are wearing their pirate hats after they woke up from their nap.
I have just started reading your blog and am very surprised at as fast Cormac is progressing! That shows how important it is for young children to get implanted ASAP.
Congratulations for choosing the right path for Cormac, you have three beautiful sons!
I have just started reading your blog and am very surprised at as fast Cormac is progressing! That shows how important it is for young children to get implanted ASAP.
Congratulations for choosing the right path for Cormac, you have three beautiful sons!
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